SAHRA 2024 Membership Drive

Please support our efforts at keeping this Neighbourhood the special place it is by making a membership contribution. 

Membership contributions are our only source of revenue to support costs required to maintain our current level of activity.  We are very frugal but there are expenses for newsletters, our website, office expenses, insurance and events.  Our reserve is also used to engage planners and lawyers when necessary to deal with Committee of Adjustment and Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) applications/appeals, hopefully without a special appeal.

3 Ways to Join / Renew Your Membership

SAHRA will never disclose your personal information to any third party.
Suggested contribution levels: $25, $75, $125 or Other

Interac eTransfer (no security question required)

Email Address: [email protected]

How your Membership Contributions are Used

The South Armour Heights Residents’ Association (SAHRA) was created to promote safety and security in our Neighbourhood; to protect our South Armour Heights residents from inappropriate planning and development from residential, commercial, transportation and any other sources; and to enhance the environment and social life in our community.

Your contributions allow SAHRA to protect and improve our community through activities including:

  • Dealing with crime prevention and community safety issues
  • Dealing with development and construction issues including Committee of Adjustment (CofA), North York Community Council (NYCC) and Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), engaging planners and lawyers when necessary
  • Addressing transportation issues, including traffic, safety, speed limits, traffic calming and parking
  • Updating residents on local issues via eBlasts, Newsletters and our website
  • Representing our members’ interests with FoNTRA (Federation of North Toronto Residents’ Associations) , CORRA (Confederation of Resident and Ratepayer Associations in Toronto) and FUN (Federation or Urban Neighbourhoods)
  • Advocating for our Neighbourhood with North York Community Council, City Government and our Councillor
  • Hosting community-building events – Neighbours Night Out
  • Holding regular SAHRA meetings and the Annual Meeting

The Activity Map below shows the locations where SAHRA was involved in 2023.

2023 Activity Map

Why We Collect Email Addresses

It is very important to us to collect Email Addresses from our members, as the preferred means of communication.  Email is a fast and cost-effective way for us to let you know about upcoming neighbourhood events, special presentations, social events, public forums organized by our Councillor, etc.

2023 Contributions

SAHRA publishes a list of all Contributing Members for each fiscal year (Jan 1 to Dec 31).  If you do NOT want your name to be published in such a list, you can indicate so on the Membership Form if you are contributing by cheque; if you are contributing via PayPal or credit/debit card, send an email to [email protected] asking for the Non-Publish option.

to the following members for their contributions in 2023

Thank you for supporting your Residents’ Association!

Member Contributions by Street