Eglinton-Lawrence Federal Candidates Meeting


Tuesday, September 14  7:00-8:30 p.m.

Zoom Meeting – Advance Registration is Required

Upon registration, you will receive a link to the meeting via email.
A reminder email will also be sent to you the day of the meeting.
Your email will not be shared with the candidates (or anyone else!).
PLEASE DO NOT SHARE your meeting login link with others.
Note that the maximum capacity for the meeting is 1000.

Eight residents’ associations located in the Eglinton-Lawrence Riding

• Avenue Road Eglinton Community Association (ARECA)
• Bedford Park Residents Organization (BPRO) 
• Eglinton Park Residents’ Association (EPRA)
• Lytton Park Residents’ Organization (LPRO)
• South Armour Heights Residents’ Association (SAHRA) 
• Stanley Knowles Housing Co-operative
• Upper Avenue Community Association (UACA) 
• York Mills Heights Residents’ Association (YMHRA)

are collaborating to provide an opportunity to hear from the Candidates who are asking for your vote in the upcoming Federal Election. In addition to hearing each Candidate’s Platform, there will be a question and answer session based on questions determined in advance.
The four candidates will be participating:

Eric Frydman (Green)
Marco Mendicino (Liberal)
Geoff Pollock (Conservative)
Caleb Senneker (NDP)

Should you be interested in the candidate’s information, we have listed their websites below for your convenience:
Eric Frydman (Green) 
Marco Mendicino (Liberal) 
Geoff Pollock (Conservative)
Caleb Senneker (NDP)

For more information contact SAHRA, or email 
[email protected]

Election Day is September 20th  
Get Informed!   Every Vote Counts!