
Survey 2020

In March and April of 2020, SAHRA invited responses to a survey, the purpose of which was to seek, from our residents, feedback that would help us decide where to spend our time and resources. Our original plans were to distribute paper copies of the survey to every house within our boundaries but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, paper copies of the survey were not distributed; the survey was only publicized by email to the email addresses that we have on file.

Thanks you for the 63 responses we received! Our analysis is attached, along with the actions SAHRA plans to take.

2020 Winter Survey results

Jim Sadler presented a Summary of the 2020 Winter Survey Summary at the Annual General Meeting on October 21, 2020, outlining the conclusions and the action items. 


2020 Follow-up Survey

In September, we distributed a Follow-up Survey with a shorter version questionnaire probing attitudes towards a number of aspects of residential life in our section of Upper Avenue. There were questions on bike lanes, speed humps, daytime parking, Green P parking lots, sub-basements, burrowing, two storey limit, prohibition of gas powered leaf blowers as well as the Upper Avenue traffic study.  We received 73 responses to this survey. 

2020 Followup Survey


Survey 2018

The Directors of SAHRA decided to conduct a Survey of the residents in our area to determine items of interest to our members and to change and/or confirm SAHRA’s priorities. As SAHRA does not have enough Board members and volunteers to execute all of our interests, we need to prioritize and resource the items of the greatest interest to our members.

A number of questions were formulated, many multiple choice but also short answer. The survey was available online, through links published in our eBlasts. A print Newsletter, distributed to every residence in SAHRA’s neighbourhood, also included a copy which could be completed and submitted, as well as the URL for the online version. Both versions of the survey were identical. The online survey was open from February 28 to April 15. The paper copy was distributed during the first week of March.  There were a total of 61 responses – 40 using the online survey and 21 paper submissions.

A complete report of the survey results can be found in the following document:

SAHRA 2018 survey results Rev 5.pdf