SAHRA eBlast – July 5, 2020 CRIME UPDATE

Crime Update for the SAHRA Area

The Bedford Park – Nortown Neighbourhood Watch Online programme covers both the SAHRA catchment area as well as the Upper Avenue Community Association (UACA) catchment area.

For the benefit of each of our memberships, we provide data from the Toronto Police Service specific to each Resident Association. A complete listing for the entire area has been posted on the Crime Prevention page of SAHRA’s website and will be updated monthly.

Break and Enters:
In the SAHRA area, there have been 2 Break and Enters in the January to May 2020 period in single family homes. This compares to 3 in the same period 2019. This continues a very positive downward trend from previous years.  Thanks to everyone who is practicing preventive measures and taking a very focused approach to security. It is paying off.

The two break and enters occurred near:

  • January 1 – Ridley and Elm
  • March 9 – Yonge Boulevard and Sandringham (north intersection)

We have seen an increase in Commercial B&E’s during the COVID lockdown period: a total of 6 in the period Jan to May all of which have occurred within the COVID timeframe (all of Bedford Park Nortown Neighbourhood Watch area).

In the period January to May 2020, there have been 3 auto thefts in the SAHRA area. These occurred near the following intersections:

  • February 24 – Belgrave and Wilson
  • April 20 – Esgore and Saunders
  • May 7 – Hedon and Saunders

In 2019, SAHRA had 5 auto thefts during the same period. Thus 2020 has a  40% decrease over 2019!

The west side of Avenue Road (UACA area) is experiencing a significant increase in auto-theft over 2019 – up 45%.

On June 10th, we held a conference call with Sgt. Jon Collin of 32 Division to discuss auto theft and the trending we are seeing. We were advised that this is a City wide/province wide problem and multiple levels of Police are working on it. Sgt. Collin did provide a list of preventive techniques that homeowners can follow. It is worth taking the time to review them. These include:

  • Park in the garage, if possible.
  • Strategically park vehicles in the driveway (less valuable vehicle blocking the more valuable).
  • Store your key fob in the middle of your house, in a signal-blocking container.
  • Never leave your vehicle running and unattended.
    Install an anti-theft system in your vehicle (such as a steering wheel locking device).
  • Install a flood light to brighten your driveway.
  • Point any cameras in the direction of your driveway.
  • Avoid leaving valuables in the vehicle.
  • Avoid leaving garage door remotes in your vehicle overnight.

A tracking system in the vehicle will not prevent a theft, however it may greatly assist police in recovering your vehicle and apprehending the thieves.

If you have experienced a break and enter or auto theft in the January to May period and it is not listed above, please let us know at [email protected].

As mentioned, each month will be providing updates on this data.

If there is additional information you would like to see – please email us. We will try to accommodate the request.

With the COVID constraints, our monthly Community Police Liaison Committee meetings are not being held. We are hopeful that they will resume in some form in September and have asked for interim reports in the meantime.