All polls will be open from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
On Monday, October 22, approximately 1.8 million electors will be eligible to cast ballots to elect a mayor, city council and school trustees in the City of Toronto. Electors are reminded to bring their Voter Information Card and identification showing their name and qualifying Toronto address when they go to vote.
A list of acceptable identification can be found at:
Any electors who did not receive a Voter Information Card, or who are not on the voters’ list, can be added to the voters’ list at the voting location.
To vote in Toronto’s municipal election an elector must be:
• a Canadian citizen
• at least 18 years old
• a resident in the city of Toronto
• a non-resident of Toronto, but they or their spouse own or rent property in Toronto
• not prohibited from voting under any law.
Electors may only vote once in the Toronto municipal election regardless of how many properties they own or rent within the city. Electors must vote in the ward where they live.
All electors are encouraged to use the City’s online service MyVote to:
• find their ward and map
• see the candidates running in their ward
• learn where and when to vote
• view and print their Voter Information Card
• find accessibility information about their voting place
• view a sample of a ballot.
MyVote is available at:
On election night, when voting locations close, unofficial results will be posted in real-time after 8 p.m. on the Election Services website at:
A Final Comment from SAHRA
We hope that everyone will take the time to vote on Monday. Voters tend to be more active in their community, talk with their neighbours, and volunteer all of which contribute to overall wellbeing.
It is likely that less than 50% of voters will actually vote, so if our actions have influenced your decision to participate in this election – then we’ve done our job. We may disagree, but that’s democracy!
Finally, to all of the candidates that have invested their time and energy – we thank you for your commitment to making our community better!
It’s now up to YOU, the voter!