Community update prepared by the Lytton Park Residents’ Organization
The long-awaited decision of the OMB/LPAT has arrived. Attached you will find a link to Member Gerald Swinkin’s Decision regarding the Appeal by 2418832 Ontario Inc., and 2419732 Ontario Inc. (PL161134) – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications – 250 Lawrence Avenue West and 219 Glengarry Avenue.
In spite of all our efforts, Mr. Swinkin has allowed the Appeal to amend the Official Plan which had been appealed due to the “Failure of City of Toronto to adopt the requested amendment.”
We are very disappointed in the outcome.
As you know, we were concerned that if the residents’ associations didn’t get “Party Status”, the issues would get negotiated and settled between City Planning, the Councillor and the Developer without our input.
THANK YOU – Your generous donations allowed us to be “Parties” and retain both a lawyer and planner to represent the community at the Hearing. In addition, our standing as resident groups was bolstered by the number of our residents who made outstanding deputations as “Participants”. Special mention also goes out to those who gave of their time and expertise to prepare our case, and the many who attended the Hearing: some for one afternoon; others for the entire hearing. As a community we came together solidly and made certain that the Developer, our Councillor and City Planning and Legal had a complete, clear understanding of our position on the development.
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MADE A DIFFERENCE – Our involvement and strong opposition directly impacted the developers’ plans of building a 12-storey condominium. Instead, the building will now move forward as a 9-storey building with greater set back from the ravine, 159 units versus 264 and improvements to the publicly available parkland and pathways leading to the ravine.
These are not the results that we had hoped for, but without our efforts we are certain that the City would have settled for a more robust building. We can all be proud of our contribution. We certainly did all we could to achieve a different outcome, and be assured that we will continue to be engaged as the development phases go forward.
MOVING FORWARD – As a result of the Hearing, the City has promised to strike a Site Plan Working Group comprised of local residents to be involved in the next stages of planning. To that end, we have been in contact with our current Councillor, and the other major Ward 8 Candidates, to safeguard this commitment.
We are also pleased to announce that residents in the area of the long-dormant Bedford Park Residents Organization, who contributed to the 250 Lawrence West opposition, have come together and are in the process of re-establishing it.
In closing, on behalf of the Lytton Park Residents’ Organization, Old Orchard Grove Residents’ Association, South Armour Heights Residents’ Association, the Bedford Park Residents’ Organization, SCOKE (Saguenay/Caribou/Otter/Kimbark/Edgecombe), residents of Rosewell Gardens, and Bedford Glen we want to thank you most sincerely for your support and let you know that we will continue to work relentlessly on behalf of the community.
Together we are stronger.